Back in 2015 Devon County Council recycled 53.7% of its waste, landfilled 31.4%, and incinerated 13.2%.
By 2023 incineration had increased by 29.7 percentage points to 42.9%.
Recycling decreased over the same period by 1.4 percentage points to 52.4%. In 2023 3.4% of waste was landfilled.
In Devon, there are three separate contracts to deal with the county's waste. The South West Devon Waste Partnership (SWDWP) is a joint venture between Plymouth City Council, Devon County Council and Torbay Council. It has a 25-year residual waste contract with MVV Environment Devonport Ltd, which commenced in 2014. The overall estimated worth of the contract is £436million.
The county also has a contract to dispose of waste from Exeter and the surrounding area at the Exeter Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) – this is a contract with Viridor Exeter Waste Services Ltd. It has an operational term of 30 years from 2014 onwards. The overall estimated worth of the contract is circa £240million.
There is a third contract covering North Devon and Torridge with Suez Recycling and Recovery Limited. This contract for provision of a transfer station and disposal of residual waste runs from 2019 to 2029. Its estimated value is £55million.
Devon's response to our FOI request with more details on their arrangements can be read in full here.
The interactive table below shows how waste has been dealt with in authorities in the region between 2014/15 and 2022/23.