Back in 2015 Birmingham City Council recycled 24.4% of its waste, landfilled 3.8%, and incinerated 68.7%.
By 2023 incineration had increased by 8.7 percentage points to 77.4%.
Recycling decreased over the same period by 3 percentage points to 21.4%. In 2023 1.2% of waste was landfilled.
There are currently 10 years left on a contract with Veolia. The total contract value is £350m. The contract has a clawback arrangement: “The contract with Veolia ES Birmingham Ltd is to operate and maintain the facility and this includes commercial arrangements which cover revenues associated with electricity generation and other associated outputs. They are commercially sensitive.”
The interactive table below shows how waste has been dealt with in authorities in the region between 2014/15 and 2022/23.